Tips to Get More Visibility on Twitter

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How to get more visibility on Twitter

With 229 million active monetizable users per day, Twitter should be one of the social networks to use in your marketing strategy. It is a goldmine of customer insights and a huge opportunity to grow your brand, increase sales and gain followers. When it comes to achieving your marketing goals, it’s a powerful tool. So what to do to get better visibility on Twitter and build a marketing strategy?

Foster interaction

Sure, you need to post regular tweets, but at the same time generating conversations is the key to getting better long-term visibility. To encourage conversation:

Interaction with the influencers;
Share publications you get from your followers;

Use hashtags

Optimize your posts with hashtags
Similar to images, tweets with hashtags generally receive more engagement than those that do not.

Adding certain hashtags to tweets is a quick way to increase the chances of new followers finding your account. Plus, it only takes a few seconds and there are tons of hashtags to choose from. For example:

  • Complementary posts with hashtags from your industry (such as #SEO or #ContentMarketing);
  • Give your feed some “personality” by using popular community hashtags (think: #MarketingDigitalDays);
  • Also opt for event-based hashtags (awards shows, sporting events, and any other hot topics).

Conversations with influencers

Subscribe to influencers’ pages and interact with them regularly to improve your visibility. Compared to a normal profile, it is more difficult to interact with them. However, you can certainly get better visibility with profiles that are influential and relevant to your business.

Mention accounts

Think about mentioning twitter accounts in your tweets when you post relevant content. By using this technique, you increase your chances of getting a share from the mentioned person or account. It can also respond to a conversation you started.

Add media to your posts

According to Twitter:

  • Tweets with videos were shared 6 times more than posts with photos and 3 times more than posts with GIFs;
  • Posts with GIF generate 50% more engagement;
  • Posts with images are 2 times more likely to generate interactions than text without images.

Thus, a publication containing media, such as a GIF, a photo, or a video, easily gains in terms of visibility with your followers compared to text containing no media, as it will take up more space on their news feeds. Also consider putting up or creating a fast infographic. Infographics in particular have seen 67% increase in 2020 and represent some of the most shared content on Twitter.

Participate in trending topics

Also in 2020, Twitter removed audience statistics, which no longer allows you to keep track of your followers. To publish on time, you must:

  • Participate in conversations about trending topics in real time;
  • post all day;
  • Your social networks, such as Buffer, LinkSight, Agorapulse…

In the trending topics section of Twitter, you will find all the trending topics to get all the tweets. So when you participate in conversations related to these topics, you quickly increase the visibility of your page.

Customize Your Profile

To highlight your industry and your brand image, choose a small profile photo that represents your logo. Also choose an easy to remember username that is up to 15 characters long so your company can be found. As far as your banner or cover image is concerned, it should ideally have the dimensions: 1500 x 500 pixels.

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